Vinnaren i pepparkakshustävlingen!
2021-11-08, 14:57
Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra på Madrids universitet har gjort en omfattande studie av innehållet i fyra vaccinleverantörers behållare.

Med hjälp av Raman Spektroskopi och elektronmikroskop har objekt funnits i vaccinerna som med säkerhet identifierats som grafenoxid.

"The objective of the following work has been to carry out a sampling of spectral signals of RAMAN vibration that, associated with optical microscopy images coupled to the spectra, allow to determine the presence of graphene derivatives in samples of COVID19 vaccines marketed under four different brands.

More than 110 objects visible under the optical microscope with appearance have been analyzed compatible with graphene structures, of which it is selected for the present report a total of 28 objects due to their compatibility with the presence of graphene or derived in the samples, taking into account the correspondence between their images and spectral signals with those obtained from a standard sample and from the scientific literature.

Of these 28 objects, in 8 of them the identity of the material with graphene oxide is conclusive due to the high spectral correlation with the pattern.

The remaining 20 objects have a very high compatibility with graphene, taking into account together both their spectra and their image optics."

Hur man identifierar grafen/grafit med hjälp av Raman Spektroskopi:

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